Scala to .NET Example

In this example we call .NET object from Scala language via JCOBridge. Before call compile and execute batch script Scala binaries shall be installed.

import java.util.Iterator
import org.mases.jcobridge._

object Main extends App {
    // catch to avoid problem with Trial mode of JCOBridge
    case jce: JCException => System.out.println(jce.getMessage)

  val bridge = JCOBridge.CreateNew()

  // adds a new reference to WPF 
  // get MessageBox type
  val msgType = bridge.GetType("System.Windows.MessageBox")
  // invoke static method to show a message box on the screen
    msgType.Invoke("Show", "Please press enter to continue")

  // get .NET type
  val enumType = bridge.GetType("System.Environment")
  // invokes static method
    val genObj = enumType.Invoke("GetLogicalDrives")
  // retrieve the iterator
  val iteratorObj = genObj.asInstanceOf[JCObject].iterator
  // iterate on all object and print the value
  while (iteratorObj.hasNext) println(

  // invoke static method to show a message box on the screen
    msgType.Invoke("Show", "Please press enter")

  // event callback example
  val tObj = bridge.NewObject("System.Timers.Timer"); // create the timer object
  val timerObj = tObj.asInstanceOf[JCObject];
  // register an event handler when the Timer elaps
  timerObj.RegisterEventListener("Elapsed", new ScalaJCVoidEventEmit()); 
  // set Interval property
  timerObj.Set("Interval", 1000); // set properties
  // enable the Timer
  timerObj.Set("Enabled", true); // start timer

  // invoke static method to show a message box on the screen
    msgType.Invoke("Show", "Please press enter")

final class ScalaJCVoidEventEmit() extends JCVoidEventEmit {
  override def EventRaised(args: Object*) : Unit =
        // scala seems to have a problem to translate var args argument into JVM bytecode. This method is needed to avoid compilation problems
  // this method defines exactly the signature expected from the event
  def EventRaised(sender: Object, arg: Object) : Unit =
        println("Timer Elapsed")